The Charter of Compassion designated CCSU as a “university of compassion” in 2015 following a unanimous endorsement by CCSU Faculty Senate to weave compassion into the fabric of CCSU university life and its neighboring communities. By intentionally making compassion a dynamic force on the campus, CCSU strives to foster a more mindful and compassionate staff and faculty, promote scholarly inquiry and research on compassion, and increase community engagement and service learning.
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The Charter for Compassion is like an immune system response to the tremendous suffering in the world. It is a global effort to restore compassionate thinking and action to the center of moral, political, and religious life. The charter activates the golden rule around the world.
The principle of compassion is embodied in the Charter of Compassion, a document that is based on the golden rule and the fundamental values of universal justice and respect for all peoples.
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His Holiness, the Dali Lama, defines compassion as the desire to alleviate the suffering of others and to promote their well-being. But, it only becomes compassion when those feelings of warm-heartedness toward others translate into acts of kindness or service toward others. The good news is that neuroscience is finding that such acts improve the well-being of both the receiver of compassion and the giver. The following examples are only a sample of the myriad of compassionate acts that permeate the CCSU campus.
Service to Others
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